April 26th... The wedding! We all had a wonderful time,especially the Bride & Groom. This was also Michaels 3oth b-day,so they were sure to send a cake in during the celebration.
We all headed out to Western ,PA this past weekend for David & Jacque's big wedding! There were 11 bridesmaids and 11 groomsmen.. and we thought our wedding party was huge! The wedding was in a very quaint town and many of us stayed in cottages,B&B's and the local Ramada Inn. The rehearsal dinner consisted of 80 people! Quite a celebration to begin the weekend festivities and have all of our families meet.
Happy B-day to me...! We had a hectic week getting ready for my brother's wedding.. However we were able to squeeze in a special dinner near the place we had our reception with part of our family. The Grain House is always a treat!
Last weekend the guys repaired a few things at Abby and Carrie's family beach house in Ocean Grove. They earned a week of vacation for the gang! While we were there a few of us celebrated my 21st b-day ...wink,wink at a local restaurant in Asbury Park!!
We finished our dining room! Josh and our friend Ryan did an amazing job with the wainscotting. We love spending time in this room! The new color really brightened up the place as well.
We caught little Madison crossing her legs at our cousins baby shower. How cute is she! She was quite excited to help Annie open all of her gifts
We drove down to Maryland to visit with Becca,Dan and Ben. Wish we could have stayed longer! Josh and Mark insisted we make a stop at Cracker barrel on the way down... notice the tags on the rocking chairs... it's not our front porch! ;-)
Easter with the Dellipoali's(My Dad's Side) It turned out to be a beautiful chilly,yet sunny day. We had a little Egg Hunt for the two youngest cousins in the fam. Aunt Ceil was quite generous with the fillings in the egg-too bad the adults coudn't play! :-)